About Page

Exactly what the Guano is this band about?

So what is this band all about. Who are Who Flung Guano? and who exactly did? whats the Jade Monkey and why must you find him, Where are the Ginger Biscuits. why is there a hair shortage in the world. what am i going on about? Where am I? and Where are my pants?

All About the Band

Well its quite simple really, on second thoughts no it isnt. Who Flung Gauno? dont stick to one stereo-type, infact you would be hard pushed to catogrize the band at all. with a mixture of Punk/Rock/Funk/Blues and just about any other style that takes our fancy. all these sounds are blended together in the tradition of the finest whiskey produces the world over. This new style has been named "Guano Rock". ok so that last bit didn't make much sense. what im saying is Who FLung Guano? are a completly original sounding band, who arent affraid to be different, and to write groin Grabbingly good songs! well now the press release bull shit is done with everyone can reward themselfs by imagining somebody naked... thats enough!

The Jade Monkey, An Explanation


Hair Shortage

Yes there is a Band wide Hair Shortage. due to recent laws passed by the U.N. all bands or performers of music have a hair ration. this is to safe guard gthe world from "Hair Rock" bands from the 80's making a comeback! ever wondered why Jon Bon Jovi now has short hair? well this law is why. but unfortuanatly Who Flung Guano? have a long haired bass player. this means that the other members of the group must shair the remaining hair ration. this leaves the band with some interesting hair cuts. Skin heads, mohekans and all that stuff. the unoficial reason for the band staying with 3 members most of the time is so that Wolfie can keep his hair that long!

Ginger Biscuits

Ginger Biscuits are nice. better than weetabix. but they have been stolen! where are they? i bet that nasty JADE MONKEY has them! the bastard!